Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Tool # 7

I have actually used Photostory with my students. I've used it for a presentation about the country we studied(but I lost that file since my first laptop crashed!). I've also used it to have students share their writing by posting student's writing and having them read their story into a mic (but the mic didn't record LOL, but I do have their writings!-video 1).

I also have created a "Guided Reading for Parents" for a graduate class(video 2-my first time creating one!)

I think Photostory is a great and SIMPLE way for students to present anything! It can be a great way to create a continous story. All students would need to do is to put a picture and record. If students can type the words, it would be even better, or can be added later. With our new technology we will be receiving, I am sure that more products will be created since there won't be any risk of FREEZING while the students are working! Teachers can also use this as a teaching tool for students to do a specific project or task. There is so much you can do with Photostory - the sky's the limit(except for copyright laws!!!YIKES!



  1. That's cool that you've done some videos and that you have some great ideas for your kids. We have mics in the library now that hopefully will work, esp. since it is hard for first graders to type, but they have so much to say!

  2. I'm so glad you like Photostory. However, just know that sometimes even these new devices may freeze!
